FVL NW Regional Qualifier
When: Sunday February 2nd 12:45pm.
Where: Cedar Crest High School
Weigh-Ins: All Wrestlers except for 6U MUST weigh in.
Weigh In Location #1
Weigh-In Time: Friday January 31st 5:30pm- 7:00pm
Weigh-In Location: Cedar Crest High School (Field House beside Football Field) – 115 E Evergreen Rd Lebanon, PA
Weigh In Location #2 (Penn Manor Wrestlers should use this location)
Weigh-In time: Friday January 31st 6:00pm-7:30pm
Weigh-In Location: The Factory (LAW) – 325 E Stiegel St, Manheim PA
Wrestling Starts: All Age Groups start at 12:45pm. Doors will Open at 12:00 Noon.
There is a $20 registration fee for each wrestlers that enters this tournament. Only wrestlers that have entered FVL events should register for this event. This is an open tournament for league participants.
Top 6 from 8U, 10U, and 12U will advance to the FVL Championships on Sunday Feb 23rd at Penn Manor High School.
This will serve as a singular tournament for 6U wrestlers. If a 6U wrestler wishes to compete for a league title at Penn Manor, they must enter the 8U Division.
Girls, may enter these brackets if they wish. There will be a Girls-Only championship held at Penn Manor. Girls may be entered in both if they wish.
PMWC Coaches reserve the right to make final calls on weight class registration for wrestlers. We will not condone weight cutting for this tournament series.
Registration Link: https://registration.teamsnap.com/form/20311